Amazing work Oscar, keep it up
Hey NG'ers. Feel free to visit my website or drop me an email - johansson.oscar@gmai
Age 35, Male
Joined on 7/11/02
Amazing work Oscar, keep it up
and are you going to make castle 4?
Damn. Didn't u get any job offers with those animating skills?
Damn. I referred to this as E in my review.
kul att hitta nån svensk ! men du fick mig att kolla på alla caste avsnitten. alla lika grymma och man längtar ju till fortsättningen :) (akta dig för min profil) jag bara varnar... :P
Oh I loved it. Giant black clouds and massive dragon was quite unexpected. A wonderful way to end the Repercussions.
How long did all of the Repercussions parts end up being total? I know around a half-hour but I'm not sure exactly.
Thanks dude. I'm not sure I haven't checked the full length, but I assume somewhere over 30 minutes.
I want your babies
Awesome job, seriously you got movie talent. The ending is awesome and I'm still guessing about what will happen next. Keep it up, and I can't wait for the next one.
Thank you.
Totally loved it, awesome animation!
Thanks a lot.
best part about this repercussions thing is that your showing the soldiers as kinda bad asses too while in other flashes n stuff the soldiers are just cannon fodder but here the eliteteam arent the only ones who can fight
Know what you mean, nice to know you like that.
ok i know you make more ps the soldiers are good like ray his one mullins and that ohter wich boomer
ps why is etrius away??
We'll have to wait and see.
As Always dude most awsomest shit ever made and known to newgrounders hope to see new episode popping up soon dude
Thanks, glad you like it. It will take a while I'm afraid, but I won't give up and sometime you'll probably enjoy watching the final part :)
um ok its the end guys i 1st saw this on stick said the one to end them all! or something like that.
It's not the end.
Serien kan ju inte va slut du kan ju inte sluta skiten me "find it"
+ att den e för bra, draken måste få en förklaring och "???" måste visa sig.
ooch etrius då? det måste vi få veta, vart fan han drog.
hela skiten e öppen asså om du slutar nu får du massa skit och ja menar massa xD
iof vet ja ej om du ska sluta så allt detta kanske e meningslöst
It's not the final part.
Just to clear up a misconception, if he releases a new castle, it would be castle 5, not 4,
On another note I'm hoping if/when 5 comes out we will find out exactly what happened to Loyd, and Etrius.
I felt I had to correct you on this. It would be the fifth installment in the series that's right, but I will name it Castle IV. Repercussions should be seen as Castle III and a half. It will be the last part and will solve any remaining questions. :)
Simply put.
I cannot wait to see yout next castle episode, these flashes are so fucking awesome.
It'll take a while, but I hope it will be worth it. Thanks
All your animations are ridiculously AMAZING. Put all of the castle bits together and make a film, lol
Thanks. Been thinking of it, might be something I do when all parts are finished :)
Tjis movie is so with the status with AWESOMENESS,AWESOMENESS PART 2,AWESOMENESS PART 3,most of all,AWESOME MOVIE DUDE!
You made this so exciting movies dude.Once you completed the whole Castle 3 try to put them all together and burn it with a CD,then make a comurshal and then sell it.You can also make lots of money doing that.Oh ya at part D1 Mullins is in 2 places at once.Kind of confusing too.If Mullins is with Ray then i saw Mullins with Boomer.Then Boomer and some other guy or Roberts lost Boomer with the sleeping cretures.Kind of confusing you know.Oh ya one more thing Oscar,(Yea i know this comment is really long but) i saw people saw SECRET WORDS in the 2 parts of the movie.What do they mean anyway? Plz give me 2 or 3 hints plz.
P.s:You should really continue Castle 3 cause of Etrius and Loyd (Did i got Loyd spelled wrong or something? Well,just plz continue with the comment) is still in the 3rd castle,most of all how will they get to the poral if its closed?
(Yes,yes it is,yes,this is a long comment.)
The whole Castle Repercussions season was epic. You've really outdone yourself.