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15 Movie Reviews

1 w/ Responses


First of all, good job getting this together! It's obvious you put your time and dedication to make this animation. I'd like to say congratulations for not giving up and leave the project like a lot of people do out there!

Graphics are superb. I feel I have to mention your incredible lighting, which adds so much to the atmosphere and feeling in overall. In your animation you've captured realistic and believable motions (which is probably one of the most important aspects when working with stick figures). The thing I see is bad with the the graphics/animation is the sometimes extreme similarities from the Castle series (like when opening the briefing-folder shot), and the eyes(exact shading like I do). At the same time however, I can see your own personal style shining through and I like it a lot - keep on developing that my friend. :-)

Audio. First off you've got amazing voiceactors! You also did a good job distorting the voices to fit the scene, like when they were talking through radio or when that thing was listening in the ventilation duct. I seem to miss a background soundtrack at some scenes however. Even just a sound of the wind or a sound scape would really lift the atmosphere of your work, please do that next time! :D

Keep it up man. Thanks for listing me under thanks to!

Shayphis responds:

Oscar! Thanks for your review man! :D I'll do my best and always improve! Your the inspiration of course, my friend :D

Keep going

It's a nice idea. You could try using more angles to make the piece more interesting. Maybe a scene when you see the mess he made? Moving cameras are also a good way of creating more interest. Keep going and practice alot :)


I love your stuff! This is so addictive. I've looped this one for about an hour now.

Awesome work

I can't explain how honored I am with you actually making a full movie tribute to me. Thanks alot mate, it's really amazing. :) Awesome visuals and movements. *viritual hug* 5 all the way <3


It made me laugh. The Neo imitation is great. You obviously notice it's filmed with a webcam and made only during one night, but in overall I like it.

It's awesome, good job (Y)

Your cinematics are pretty much amazing. Totally worth the wait. Good job Rob.


It's awesome, good job (Y)

Hey NG'ers. Feel free to visit my website or drop me an email - johansson.oscar@gmai l.com

Oscar Johansson @Get-lost

Age 35, Male



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